Ginny Stonehouse
Ginny is a self-taught artist with a God given talent. Her large variety of styles and subjects have made her work appealing at art shows, where she has won numerous awards and is recognized among a large group of personal clients. Since she was born to missionary parents, opportunities to attend art school were not available to her. However, she has had ample opportunities to attend workshops, has been a member of the Oakland Art Association, and studied under the tutelage of Carolyn Opderbeck, where she gained expertise in oil painting, watercolor, alcohol ink techniques, murals and chalk drawings.
Ginny's time in Africa has given her an eye for tropical flowers and animals, having seen many "up close and personal." She's been inspired by the work of David Shepherd, particularly with his expertise in African animals.
About twenty years ago, Ginny's love of art led her to begin her own business. She has painted furniture, floors, murals and wall treatments. She also has had success painting on glazed tile and tumble marble.
Ginny's desire is to use the talents God has given her to their fullest and enjoy each job as an exciting adventure.